Friday, August 1, 2008

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

So, during this summer I’ve been reading a bit too much…lol. One book that I read changed my world and the way I see life. The person who wrote it is my favorite writer. That book is called “The Host” by Stephenie Meyer, also the writer of the Twilight Saga.
The Host tells the story of a change world. In the book the Earth had been taking over by aliens, who called themselves “souls”. They are like parasites who take control of the human body. Among all this madness there are still survivors. One of them is Melanie Stryder. She struggles with her life, trying to protect at all causes her little brother Jamie. She meets Jared, another survivor; soon they fell in love. She then decides to go find her cousin, but gets caught and a soul is put inside her body. But Melanie Stryder hasn’t faded away. She’s still alive inside her own mind. The soul, now called Wanderer, starts to feel what Melanie feels, falling in love with Jared and carrying too much for her brother Jamie. Wanderer decides to look for them, knowing that if somebody finds out, there gonna take her out of that body and killed Melanie.
When she finds Jared and Jamie she noticed that there not alone. There are a lot of people with them, survivors. But Jared isn’t happy. He thinks Melanie is gone and Wanderer is just there to sell them to the aliens. Between all the chaoses Wanderer, know called Wanda, falls in love with Ian. He is one of the most carrying and understanding men she had ever met in her many lives. When time has come for her to decide whether she wants to stay in Melanie’s body damming her to life suppress in her own body or to get out of the body and give Melanie her life back, she decides to killed herself to save Melanie. Ian is crushed, but there’s nothing he can do. Wanda has make up her mind. When the time of killing Wanda, they change their mind and put her in another body. That way Jared has Melanie and Ian, Wanderer.